Walk to Mordor Challenge: Week Three

Fresno County residents have taken on the challenge in February and March to complete the quest to reach Mordor! We are progressing
, and so are you. With progression comes knowledge. 

Who do the Hobbits meet at the Prancing Pony in Bree?

A. Strider

B. Jack of Diamonds

C. Gimli, Son of Glon

D. Gandalf

If you believe you still need to increase your knowledge of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Fresno County Public Library is offering immediate access to download the books off Libby, by Overdrive. Join in on the fun and earn your reading minutes - which will earn you cool badges on LibraryClub!

For example, to earn Bill the Pony,  six people have logged and completed reading 1200 minutes. How cool is that! 6 multiplied by 1200 minutes equals 7200 minutes. Fresno County Public Library likes seeing people read! 

Along with reading, the library system is seeing people striving to reach the five different milestones needed to reach Mordor. The journey holds tales and memories. Have you submitted a photo using our hashtag #FresnoLibrary #FresnoWalktoMordor to showcase us your journey on social media? If you need help finding a trail, the Fresno County Public Library has put together a list to help.

Good Luck! 


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