

Announcing "Walk to Mordor" Year 3!



          March 21, 2023                           

JordyMeow, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
                                         In 2021, Fresno County Public Library hosted a "Walk to Mordor" activity challenge inspired by the journey of the Fellowship J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, which encouraged people of all mobility types to move more by allowing them to earn commemorative badges for making it to 5 different Middle-earth milestonesand this year we're doing it again!

April 1st-May 31st, 2023, please join us for "Walk to Mordor" Year 3! 

In 2022, 92 Fresno County residents ages 7-74 participatedtraveling 17,377 miles collectivelyand we're hoping even more people will join us for this year's journey.

You do not need to register for this program. (If you're looking for a registration or sign-up link, you're not missing it. There isn't one.)

Whether you hope to reach specific fitness goals (or possibly burn off a few Second Breakfasts or Elevenses), fight some “personal demons” (anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, etc.), or simply share a virtual connection with others who have chosen to go on this journey, we invite you to join us on our quest and earn some fun rewards for your hard work.

To participate, simply keep track of your physical activity every day and convert that into miles. When you've completed enough miles to reach any of the milestones, and you are a Fresno County resident, you can submit the webform linked on the "Submit Your Miles" page to claim a commemorative badge corresponding to the Middle Earth location reached. 

To help you keep track of your journey, we've created a printable log for you! 

Please note: Although we have called this event "A Walk to Mordor," one need not to walk to be able to participate. The Fellowship may not have had bicycles or wheelchairs, but we know many in our local communities either prefer to or must travel using these means. We have provided for converting non-walking physical activities into walking miles. On the "Local Trails" page, should you wish to venture beyond your Shire, you'll also find suggestions for many paved, relatively-level routes.


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